Sleep is My Waking Passion

Holistic Strategies for Better Sleep in Women with Morgan Adams, MSW

Alison Kole Season 3 Episode 9
Morgan Adams, MSW is a Holistic Sleep Coach for women based in Virgiinia. She and I share the same affliction: Insomnia. She found a way to liberate herself from need a sleeping pill to feel like she could rest, and she is on a mission to help other women do the same. She is full of great advice and I highly recommend you have a listen. I guarantee she will teach you a thing or two. I definitely added to my knowledge base with our discussion. 
  • *Reducing alcohol consumption and incorporating high-fiber, healthy fat, and complex carb foods into the diet can improve sleep for perimenopausal women.
  • *Exercise and movement are key factors in promoting better sleep.
  • *Screening for sleep apnea is important, as it often goes undiagnosed in women.
  • *Advocating for yourself and seeking specialized care can lead to better sleep outcomes.
  • *Mindset and accepting imperfections in sleep can contribute to overall well-being.

To learn more about Morgan and her services, and schedule your consultation, go to: